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Тема: real work at home
Автор: admin
Attention! read it up to the end and then all life me will thank!!!

Thousand $$$ for 3 weeks!!! Hello friends!

Now I to you shall tell very simple way how to earn money on the Internet.
First of all keep this message at itself on a computer.
Reading it you can change the life! It has changed also mine.
Read up up to the end the given clause, give only 3 minutes,
you will lose nothing, reading still to anybody seriously has not damaged!!!
I have come across it at one forum absolutely casually and have decided to try.
Wandering as I am usual on different-sort to forums find this
clause in which it is spoken that it is possible to make
thousand dollars for couple of weeks at an investment only 6 $.
Well: I have thought, it should be the next chesspiece for Gawks,
but has decided all to read up and learn, that to us for the Herbalife offer:
Further there it was spoken that it is necessary to send on 1 $
on 6 WMZ purses which below are listed.
Then to strike the first purse off the list,
that having displaced the list on one сточку upwards,
the sixth is released by that,
where you enter number of the WMZ a purse and shower this text
(with your purse on the sixth line) on 200 different forums,
bulletin boards and news lines (News Groups).
Any dodges: Well, I have reflected and have thought,
that I lose nothing except for 6 $: both has decided to try:
Also guess that!!!
For 10 days on my purse began to come money!:
I was in a shock!!! But at once has thought that on it all and will end:
But not here that was! In the first week I have earned only 27 $,
further by the end of the second week already it is more 600 $...
To the middle of 3-rd week 1700 $ with superfluous...!!!
4-th week and I has already counted 4300 $ and the sum grows very quickly.
And this all only for the price in 6 $!!!
I was in very bad economic situation before have come across this clause.
I have not believed, that it works yet did not begin to receive translations from all light:
I have bought everything, that it is necessary to me: and it very opportunely,
will agree?!...?!?!? And now I shall tell to you as it works also the most important WHY:!
I promise you, that if you in accuracy will
observe below the listed instructions you will start to receive much more money,
than you thought, not applying on it of special efforts. The OFFER:
read it is close NOT LESS 2 TIME!!! It is assured, when you will get to the bottom,
Which you will build independently...
Follow instructions and money will start to act on your purse.
Will agree it simply!!! It legally. And your contribution makes only 6 $...
IMPORTANT: It not a deceit and it is not illegal, thus you risk nothing,
but it works!!! NOTICE: Follow instructions in ACCURACY
and 40000 $ and will be yours in current from 40 till 60 days more
(It is checked up, and for certain not only me).
Will tell what for if I already have earned so much,
again I place this announcement?
Yes because still it would be desirable! And why also there is no,
in fact superfluous money, as is known, does not happen.
All it successfully works owing to honesty of participants.
To deceive system of registration of list Web Money it is the extremely complex,
and it is unprofitable. Each computer has a name. Each person has nameplate data.

The participant earns nothing only in 2 cases:
1) if it is dishonest;
2) if it has sent this clause less, than on 60 forums.
The person participates in system only in the event
that it is entered into list WMZ of purses.
For this purpose it is necessary to make transfers not less than 1 $ in 6 purses.

ATTENTION: NECESSARILY while translating money in a field
' the Note ' write ' Please, enter into me list WMZ of purses '.
In other cases, the purse can be used simply as the payment tool
(for example, purchase of a refrigerator, tickets, etc.)
and in a pyramid does not participate.

Here those 3 steps to success:

1. If you do not have those 6 WMZ (6 electronic $),
you need to be registered in system WebMoney Transfer
(it absolutely free of charge) which is to the address of
http: // www.
After registration system to you in using will give four WEB-purses:

WMR - rouble; WMZ - dollar; WME - euro; WMU - the Ukrainian grivnas.
Payments in system are made only between identical purses, for example:
WMR it is possible to list only on WMR,
therefore if you will place money on WMR-a purse they will need
to be converted in WMZ. (be not frightened,
it costs in literal sense - copecks) Properly familiarize with given system,
As it works, choose optimum for itself a variant of updating of
a purse from a page http: //
(I Shall prompt:
it is the most easier to buy a card which is on sale basically in any stall.
The minimal sum on a card 10 $. The card refers to ' Web Money Transfer ')
Bring 6 $ on the WMZ-purse.
Press the right button of the mouse, choose item>>>
to exchange roubles (WMR) for dollars (WMZ).
As the addressee specify number of the WMZ-purse!!!
Follow instructions and the exchange will be safely made.

2. Further, take first number of a WMZ-purse from the list resulted below,
send on it 1 $ (without a code of the patronage) from the WMZ-purse,
DO NOT FORGET in a field ' the Note

"to write Please, enter into me list WMZ of purses".

All that you have made it have created a certain service and
the most important it absolutely legally. You ask lawful service for which pay.
Send 6 $ on following WMZ purses (in everyone on 1 $,
without a code of the patronage):

1. Z275936537647 (here write the NOTE)
2. Z109222301360 (here and further to write nothing!)
3. Z393935252484
4. Z038920332573
5. Z114401798831
6. Z802961583105

Now open this message which you have kept at yourselves on
a computer and delete from this list number of the first WMZ-a purse,
having moved that the list for one line above
(6-th becomes 5 oh, 5-th becomes 4-th, 4-th becomes 3,
3-rd becomes 2-nd, 2-nd becomes 1-st).
Also enter in a 6-thuja a line number of your WMZ-purse.
3. Do what want change, but keep the main idea.
Place this clause at not less than 200 forums and news lines (News Groups).
Accommodation of this clause even at the most seldom visited forums,
all equally guarantees to you the income. Remember,
the more you place announcements and will dispatch letters,
the above there will be your income and this income on
a straight line will depend on you.
This business continues to exist and prosper only owing
to honesty and gravity of participants.
So, when you reach the first position,
you will have thousand dollars!!! It costs 6 $ and absolutely trifling work!!!
The main thing, that this chesspiece works also it fine!
Borrow in it now - not putting off!!! Time of money!
And now I to you shall tell, why you in any case lose nothing,
but only win!!! We shall tell,
from 200 accommodations I shall receive only 5 answers
(very-very small and low figure)!!! Means,
I shall receive 5 $ being on 6-th position in the list!!!
Now these 5 people do on 200 accommodations each MINIMUM with my purse on
5-th position, and only 5 people answer those with the first five-this already 5 $!!!
Further these do 25 people on 200 accommodations with
my purse already on 4-th line (because enter the)
and only 5 answer-wash the income-125 $!!!
Now these of 125 people having placed and having received only
5 answers give me 625 $ profit (I on 3 line)!!! Further-more:
these 625 people do on the MINIMUM of 200 accommodations with me on 2-nd line and
only 5 people answer-it already 3125 $!!!
Well and the most interesting-this that these 3125 person
do on 200 accommodations everyone with me already on 1-st line
And it are answered again only with 5 people, i have - 15625 $!!!
Will agree impressive figure???!!!
And this all for the initial contribution in 6 $!!!
When you in the list already are not present,
you simply send again 6 $ in the same purses,
as for the first time (for this purpose keep this clause in the NOTEBOOK,
WORD or in any other text file) and again, having moved numbers of purses,
having removed the first, put number on 6-th position and again place!!!!!!!!!!
You can present yourselves,
that TENS THOUSAND people from all world join the Internet and
read these clauses every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the same way,
as well as you now read this!!!!!!!!!!! Well
so???????? Whether you will spend only 6 $ to learn,
whether it works??????????? And if you will make all how I have described above,
IT WILL WORK, I SWEAR to YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good receipts will begin not earlier than in 4 weeks with your first announcement!
Incomes will be huge! Even if in 2 weeks you receive only 1 $,
be not upset, on the contrary this one more proof,
that the system really works!!! Wait,
do not delete a purse, and continue to send the announcements.
Process not such fast as can seem.
The person should read through your announcement,
To become interested, study system, to establish a purse,
to fill up balance, to list means.
Then it should start to distribute announcements with your purse.
On it at it week, and still week can leave to find the new interested people.
From personal experience: '
I was in very bad economic situation and long could not find
to myself suitable work up to that,
As has come across this clause.
My work now it every day for 2 hours on the Internet and ALL!!!! '
and earnings such, that even did not dream any chiefs and heads '.
This line for pessimists:
And suddenly this business will fail also to me anybody of money will not send???
And here to you the answer: the nearest years this business simply cannot fail.
Think: every day on the Internet appear from 20000 up to 50000 thousand new users!
Under forecasts of experts,
only in Russia by 2008 the quantity of users the Internet will increase from present 22 million person,
up to 49 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What chances, what they will want to try themselves in what new???????
Only remember: HONESTY And ONLY HONESTY of PEOPLE allows to prosper to this business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To earn huge money for short term it is possible only in a pyramid when
the capital is multiplied in a geometrical progression.
The last always finance the first. In our case, about the Internet-purses,
in occasion of to get in numbers of the last it is unreal,
the pyramid recently has arisen,
and the quantity of users the Internet grows with huge speed.
Well and the last .......:« really great axiom-that to receive something,
it is necessary to give something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to receive it is even more,
it is necessary to give even more!!!
The Opportunity to earn in short term of tens thousand dollars - is real!!!
Be convinced of it!!! SUCCESS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How to distribute the information in forums.

1. We open search system (Yandex, Rambler, Google, Aport, Yahoo or any another).

2. We write in a line of search a phrase:
' To create a new theme ' (without inverted commas),
and also you can send messages in any other forums.

3. google will find thousand pages,
references on which at once result on a page for filling a new theme of a forum.
ADVICE: When google finds thousand pages with forums,
the majority of participants, start to leave the announcements,
since first page,
And seldom reach 50-th. And pages of thousand. Here also it turns out,
that all announcements concentrate in one place.
And it is not so favourable. ALL PAGES which finds поисковик,
are equivalent, here there is no sorting on quality of a forum.
Go from the end, there there are no announcements and if suddenly will meet,
then, this forum repeats on the first pages.
Remember: with all managers and moderators (founders of forums),
Which delete announcements with advertising,
system Web Money cannot agree.
So, mask the announcements under standard.
For example, if you have come into a heading Cars write:
' a Mercedes, we shall discuss advantages '
if have come into a heading work, do not write $1000000 for 2 months,
and it is simple - "the manager is required From $1000".
In this case your announcement ' will live ' much longer.
Managers and their long time will not notice moderators of sites.
And still, even if in a forum on which you wish to leave the announcement,
already there are one or several similar messages,
advertising all work-it is equal the LAW of ADVERTISING!
(recollect, on the TV 10 years the same goods advertise:
orbits, cubes; linings and
Etc., and advertizers spend for the advertising huge means because it pays off).

4. The method of post dispatches (on, etc.)
so is effective enough!!! And at last:
Take advantage of that this project for the present not so is widely known on
the Internet! P.S. Dare, People... '

Time is Mone '.
Success ALL!!!
Создано: 2007-09-21 15:48:17    Ответить на тему


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